I also want to post it because its Veteran's Day too..
I had a nice summer and enjoyed every bit of it. I went to a local amusement park with my boyfriend and his sister and BIL, along with his daughter. We had been talking since spring.
I had bumped into him at his sisters over Halloween 4 yrs ago. Now he is going through a divorce and I am just talking as a friend. He is a busy person. Hopefully we will date soon. I knew him since grade school and junior high.. That was the last time I have seen him and he had moved away. I will not say much about him.. I am happy that we became friends again. This time we will take it slow. We'll see what will happen.
Okay, I am still with my reading insructor for my reading. She said, that I am doing well in the course.. I haven't been back at my other school since last year in Dec. It is hectate. I am not giving up.. I am a fighter and I will go back eventually.
I became an aunt again this fall. Hard to believe. This time the child is my brother's and his girlfriend's. Gavin is his name. Not only that I became an aunt for the 10th time and 2 great niece and nephew, my niece is expecting in March and that will be the 3 great niece/nephew to be. We are excited about this and this be my niece and nephew in law first child. So happy for them.
Well, I keep you posted now that the weather is getting cooler, I will be blogging again. Sorry that I haven't visited some of you. I do not like the new commenting stuffs. I am having difficulty leaving comments to some of my bloggers. Don't worry, I get it in there somehow.
Take care!

Hi Nancy! I was searching for you! I keep losing blogger friends from blooger!Drat that blogger! SO you are one of several folks I finally traced back here! Hope you are well. I always enjoy stopping by and will be a more frequent visitor. I made a blog friend book so I will put your blog info into it so I will always find you here! Good luck with everything! See you soon!
Those flowers are beautiful and were perfect for Veteran's day. If you add the new blogger email feed on your sidebar, when you post, it will come right to my email like aol journals used to do. It makes keeping up so much easier cause I don't get to my dashboard very often anymore. Have a good weekend!
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