Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday Funnies: Freezing? and Superbowl..

Sunday Funnies...............................................

butt freeze

Okay I had to do this. Got these in the email. Thought it was funny, you might seen the first on before.

dog freeze

Well Hello everybody. Are you still cold? Yes, indeed its had been cold here too. We are hitting a heat waves for couple of days and then back down into the teens and tweens.. BRRR…

Are you doing anything special for super bowl? Well I would but I don’t have a ride home. I just sit at home another year.. I can caress. It is cold and I don’t want to go out too. We are expecting a mix of rain and snow over night and tomorrow.

I am suppose to meet me lost best friend tomorrow and I am thinking about cancelling that too. We both don’t drive and need to meet halfway. She is north of the city and I am south.,We’ll see how its goes.

Yes, I snagged this from a friend.. Hope she don't mind.

Enjoy your Sunday and Super bowl ..And stay warm.

Don’t drink and drive please….

Take care!

skayer blue

1 comment:

Missie said...

I sure can't wait until we can thaw out some. I'm going stir crazy being stuck in the house.