Sunday, September 22, 2013

Been that long?

 I haven't blog almost a year now.. Just can't believe that I am so busy doing Facebook over blogging.. I do miss being here and some thing just caught up on me.. SO many things happened to me and my family this year..

Let go back to last year turning into the New Year 2013. I promise myself to take care of me because I was doing too much to my folks... Don't do me wrong, I do love them.. I was going to get my eyes checked and get new glasses.. Got them, Check.  Then my hearing test for new hearing aids.. Well, that didn't happen until end of summer.. Let say this.. I ended up in the emergency room for pain in the stomachache. I ended up with gallbladder infection.. Yep, I had surgery done in March.. Good thing that got done  and out of the way..
In the spring both my parents had fallen and my dad is in a nursing home.. We can only do so much to him.. Heart is breaking over this, but for the most of  us it is hard putting your love one in a place like this..I guess it would be better for all of us.. Sadly but true.. I do love my father and I just want the best of it for him and my mother..

In the summer.. Gone by fast.. Whew did it really?  I can't complain but we had a fair summer..End of July, my one hearing aid went dead.. Now I did got my hearing tested and getting new aids.. Very expensive. No insurance would cover for these not even medicare or medicaid. Since the economy failed everything not going get cover as much as they used to. SO, I am going with the Bluetooth style hearing aids and this may be even better because of the technology have changed so much.. I don't have to hold a phone up to my ears  when talking on the phone.. The device would be good for the TV and PC.  I will be getting these on Friday..Can;t wait...
So, I got so much bills this year and it is not funny.. Now, I found out that my laptop battery died too. Ugh! not a happy camper this year.. SO much of the luck of an unlucky number 13  as in the number 2013..Just not my year so far.. I hope 2014 will bring us better prosperous health...
So, that is my story and I am sticking to it.. Thank you all for your support and coming over to see my blog;; I will hopped over soon.. Sorry :(

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Sounds like you've had a rough year. I hope things get better for you soon!
